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Activities of September 2023, Preschool


Activities of September 2023, Preschool

  • From the beginning of the semester, students have learnt about the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd. During this time, they have tried to trace letters and tried to identify the sound of these letters.

  • During Math children have begun to become familiar with the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. They have learnt about different shapes, like: circle, square, and triangle.
  • Children have started experimenting with art materials in the classroom. They have combined their knowledge from different subjects and have used it in the practice. They have made an ant for a letter Aa, a butterfly for a letter Bb, and a carrot for a letter Cc. Also, they have painted their handprints on the t-shirts and have celebrated a Healthy Day.

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