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Activities of September 2023, KG 2


Activities of September 2023, KG 2

  • In the month of September the learners started to learn about decomposing numbers. They have used puzzles to help learn about decomposing and they have used blocks and counters to help them break a whole number into two smaller parts.
  • In Septemeber KG2 had a paitning day. The learners had lots of fun painting shapes onto white t-shirts.
  • In Social and Science, we learnt about “the country we live in Qatar”. The learners had to make posters about famous places in Qatar. While learners shared the posters with the class, the learners told the class what is their favorite place in Qatar.
  • We also learnt about forces and motion. Learners made ramps in class to learn about speed and direction. We also learnt about push and pull.

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