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Activities of October 2023 KG 2


Activities of October 2023 KG 2

  • For October the learners had to learn their sight words “ the, like, see, I, can, and”. The learners really enjoy learning how to spell their sight words using their white boards. In KG we really enjoy reading, the more we read the better.
  • We learnt about letter K in October, we learnt about the words kite, king, kangaroo and kitten. To help learn how to write “Kk” we first practice making the letter with playdough.
  • For the month of October, we had a teacher’s appreciation day. We got to dress up as teachers and make posters in class to show our teachers how much we appreciate them.
  • We had a revision week to help us prepare for the exams we were going to write. We practiced all of our subjects by doing worksheets and other fun activities like making shapes with popsicle sticks.

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