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Activities of March 2023 Preschool


Activities of March 2023 Preschool

  • In March students have learnt about the letters: Ss, Tt, and Uu. During this time, they have tried to trace letters, tried to identify the sound of these letters, and had a various kind of activities. For each letter, students have made different hand-made crafts, e.g. spider for letter Ss, tomato for letter Tt.
  • During the Social and Science classes, students have learnt about seasons of the year and different types of weather. Children have participated in Four Seasons Project; they have made art projects with using different materials.
  • Children have practiced their coloring and painting skills during art classes. They have celebrated World Wildlife Day and Mother’s Day. Kids have tried to color different types of animals and have made some special handmade cards for moms.

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