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Activities of March 2023 KG 2



Activities of March 2023 KG 2

  1. In English class, students had the opportunity to write different High Frequency Words and sight words on the board. One of the word families in the month was the -ed family. Learners practiced the -ed family words on the whiteboard.
  2. In math class we are busy learning about different 3-D shapes, so one of the math activities that the students enjoyed was to create and fold their own 3D shapes, like the cube, sphere, cone, and cylinder. First, they had to color in the shapes then they had to fold and paste the paper together to create.
  3. In the art class students had to draw a picture of a bus, first following a few steps on how to draw a bus and then they had to use a black marker to make the pencil lines bold, after that they had to color in the bus that they draw. This activity really develops creativity and hand works. They also got to color picture of animals for National Wildlife Day!
  4. This month was Mother’s Day. The learners made handprint flowers and wrote letters to give to their mothers to thank them for all they do!

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