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Activities of March 2023 KG 1


Activities of March 2023 KG 1

  1. In English children focused on the letters S, T and U. The students also practiced writing all the letters on their whiteboards. Students were also learning about the sight words: For, he, she, is, at, the etc. Students had to blend the following CVC words: Rat, mat, Cam, cap, jam etc. Students practiced making sight words as well as CVC words with a playdough.
  2. In Math, learners have been learning about more and less as well as subtraction. We have practiced subtraction by using physical items as well as writing in on your whiteboards and in our books. Students had to choose as many balls as many objects were there on the screen.
  3. This month was mothers’ day. Students made a card with flowers using their hands.
  4. For the month of March, the students looked at different parts of a plant as well as different animals such as farm animals, wild animals and insects.

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