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Activities of February 2023 Preschool


Activities of February 2023 Preschool

  1. In February, students have learnt about the letters: Oo, Pp, Qq and Rr. During this time, they have tried to trace letters, tried to identify the sound of these letters, and had a various kind of activities.
  2. Children have practiced Counting and Matching, and have tried to relate numbers to quantity. They have studied new words, plus and equal signs.
  3. During the Social and Science classes, students have learnt about Natural world around us, our planet the Earth, and seasons of the year in the classroom through various activities.
  4. For each letter, students have made different hand-made crafts, e.g. octopus for letter Oo, popcorn for letter Pp, and rabbit for letter Rr.

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