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Activities of February 2023 KG 2


Activities of February 2023 KG 2

  • In English class, students learn about high frequency words, sight words, and nouns every day. For the class activity, we played “fireball” whereby students had to sit in a circle and they had to pass a ball around the circle and when the teacher blows the whistle, then they have to stop passing the ball around, whoever student has the ball in their hands has to stand in the middle of the circle and play a flashcard game, whereby the teachers shows flashcard words and if the student says all the words correctly they get rewarded with a star.
  • In mathematics, students learned about different 3-dimensional shapes like the sphere, cone, cube and the cylinder. To help KG 2 students to get familiarized with these different 3- dimensional shapes, for the activity, they had to form those 3- dimensional shapes with playdough in class.
  • In art class, students had to create a handcrafted hen whereby they had to paint their hands yellow and then press their hands on a white paper to leave the tracing of their hands on the paper, then while waiting for the paint to dry, students had to create a hen by using the shape/ form of their hand, creating the beck and legs of the hen and pasting eyes for the hen.
  • In social we focused on road safety, which educates students about the safety of the road. For an activity, students had to use a “tear and paste” method with colored paper to create a traffic light whereby they also had to make sure what each color of the traffic light indicates.


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